Morandi je rumunská pop music hudební skupina, jejímiž členy jsou Marius Moga a Andrei Ştefan Ropcea (Randi). Jméno kapely pochází z prvních dvou písmen Mogova příjmení a Ropcovy přezdívky.
Poté co se stali velmi úspěšnými v Rumunsku, jejich píseň Beijo se v létě 2005 umísťovala vysoko v mnoho evropských hitparádách, včetně v hitparádě MTV Evropa a v hitparádě World Chart Express. Morandi byli nominováni na Best Romanian Act na MTV Europe Music Awards 2005, ale cenu vyhráli Voltaj.
V MTV Romania Music Awards 2006, Morandi vyhráli cenu nejlepší písně (Best Song) za Beijo a ocenění nejlepší video (Best Video) za Falling Asleep. Jejich album Reverse se prodalo na 2 miliony kopií.
Morandi is a Romanian pop music group composed of Marius Moga and Andrei Ştefan Ropcea (Randi). The group's name derives from the first two letters of Moga's name and Ropcea's nickname, Randi, creating Morandi.
Aside from being successful in Romania, the group's single Beijo ranked highly on several pan-European charts in the summer of 2005, including the MTV Europe chart and the World Chart Express. Morandi were nominated as Best Romanian Act at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2005, even though the award was won by Voltaj.
At MTV Romania Music Awards 2006, Morandi won the Best Song award (for Beijo) and the Best Video award (for Falling Asleep). Their album, reverse, sold over 2 million copies.
Morandi – The story It was the winter o£2004 and things were looking great for prodigy songwriter Marius Moga (23). He was the youngest, most sought after composer in town, and everyone who was anyone in the local music industry wanted a piece of him. That’s when Moga met Randi, the later lead vocalist of the most successful Romanian band of our times – Morandi. Contrary to popular belief, the two did not hit it off from the very beginning. In fact, it took Randi over a year to convince Moga that Morandi was a project worth developing. Moga felt that their music was ahead of time and was reluctant to put his signature on anything but the massive success he’d been used to. At this point, Love Me (the debut single of Morandi) was already in the works, and artists passing through Moga’s studio would listen to it and go “wow”! They all wanted to know who’s behind this and felt certain it was not a local band, but rather a new, “it” project, emerging from one of the more developed music markets of the world. That prompted Moga to release the song on radio without disclosing the true identity of Morandi. It took a few weeks for the single to go No.1 on all commercial stations and for a happier, more confident Moga to step forward and take credit for the Morandi project. By that time, Love Me was on everyone’s lips and Morandi had suddenly become the trendiest name in the local music industry. With second single Beijo (the Portuguese version of the later international hit Oh La La), Morandi proved to the more skeptical audience that they were not just a one hit wonder and would be around for quite a while! This was also the first single to bring the band international recognition and a future deal with Island UK. Debut album Reverse (2005) sold a record number of copies, despite its having leaked onto internet weeks before release. So did the band’s sophomore album, Mind Fields (2006). By late 2006, Moga had gotten anxious. Having enjoyed a certain degree of international success, he was confident Morandi had what it takes to make it on other markets as well. His own projects with Tony Scott for the soundtrack of Domino and with Lumidee, Infernal and Hillary Duff for remixes, made him all the more eager to swim in the bigger ponds. He wanted that for himeself, as well as for Morandi. Such was the mood upon starting work at the band’s third studio album! N3XT Given the previous collaboration with Island and Moga’s ambitions, it seemed only natural that Morandi would sign with the recently established Universal Music Romania for their upcoming release of the album N3XT. By early 2007, Moga had already announced the change and had started working on Morandi’s most complex release thus far. By this point, the acclaimed singer/songwriter had collected multiple Platinum and Gold records, as well as 4 MTV awards. His close friends and collaborators feared he was experiencing writer’s fatigue and were worried this would take its tall on the new Morandi material. When new single Afrika was released in August 2007, all suspicions were dusted. Morandi were back to rule the local charts and they did it in style, as usual! About the same time, Randi decided to accept a proposal from a prestigious TV show (local version of Bailando por un sueno). This put a lot of stress on the album release, which was pushed back for months. “We felt we’d never finish and I virtually moved to the studio weeks before release. We did a lot of winter barbeques in our backyard”, Randi evocates, laughing. By mid December, N3XT was ready to be released and the media and fans were already roaring with the fantastic new single Angels, Morandi’s most exquisite piece of work ever! The critically acclaimed album N3XT has the freshness of new collaborations and a new, more mature sound to it. Most songs are in English, but Moga and Randi like to play and experiment with other languages as well, such as Portuguese. “Angels is our ticket to Europe, I feel very strongly about it! We have worked a lot to get where we are and I’m confident that this is the N3XT level for Morandi and myself!” Moga claims, with new hopes of international recognition. “There was never a doubt in my mind that this will be the star song of the new Morandi album. Simply because it is the most beautiful song I’ve ever cowritten” He is right! There is something about this song that is so internationally appealing! Already at No.1 in Romania and Russia, Angels (Love Is The Answer) speaks to the world in words of hope, love and peace! Morandi are certain the time has come to send their music message all across the world and prove that, indeed, Love Is The Answer!